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Tanzania detains opposition leaders over youth day meeting

The party's deputy chairman, Tundu Lissu, front, and supporters of Tanzania's main opposition party, CHADEMA, protest in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Wednesday, Jan. 24, 2024   -  
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Tanzania on Monday arrested the leaders of the main opposition party Chadema on accusations of inciting violence.

Chadema chairman Freeman Mbowe and the leader of the party's youth wing John Pambalu were arrested by police at an airport in the southwestern city of Mbeya, where they planned to mark International Youth Day.

Chadema's Vice-Chairman Tundu Lissu was arrested on Sunday alongside the party's Secretary-General.

Police accused Chadema's youth wing of seeking to promote unrest and violence. The party said over 400 people were in detention.

Despite relaxing restrictions on political parties, opposition leaders say violations have increased in the run-up to the 2025 election.

President Samia Suluhu who took over after the death of John Magufuli is expected to run for the ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) party.

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